Here is a favourite photo of mine taken on a recentish trip to Egypt (Dahab).  We spent a lazy afternoon snorkelling on a remote spot on the Red Sea with a group of friends. This rugged terrain (including camels) was the backdrop of the vibrant blue sea before us. The camel and its owner happened to walk by our gathering and my small person was given her first taste of a camel ride. I love that this photo captures a glimpse of trust and humour between the two. 

For more great photos from other travellers, check out Photo Friday at


Hi, I'm Lisa. Welcome to Baby Loves to Travel, a resource about our adventures travelling the world. Baby Loves to Travel offers helpful travel tips and reviews, as well as advice on activities for kids in destinations around the world!


  1. Travel Mama

    @ Sonja – Most definitely so, I was very nervous at this point! But we did capture a lovely moment and my daughter wasn’t perturbed at all!

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