Photo source: Barefoot World Atlas

I recently discovered a wonderful app called Barefoot World Atlas, it’s perfect for kids who love to travel or for kids just generally interested in our big blue planet (and I think majority of little people fall into this category).

I always have a play with an app before I hand it over to my kids just to make sure that it’s age appropriate or appropriate full stop. When I uploaded ‘Barefoot World Atlas’ I was amazed with the detail and functionality. However, I hesitated keeping it because I thought it might be slightly above my just turned 4 year old’s skill level, so I didn’t tell her it was there. But I was very wrong. Miss M ended up discovering the app on her own and now, whenever she has the opportunity to play with the iPad, it is her app of choice.

She could sit there for hours (if only we would let her) exploring the “Barefoot World”by navigating the 3D spinning globe and learning hundreds of historical and geographical facts along the way. You can zone in on an area of the world and learn about the local people, wildlife, landmarks and historical events. Miss M knows how to find Australia (where I’m from), Canada and Poland (where her dad’s from), and the UAE (where we currently reside). She loves to visit the Statue of Liberty and the Russian ballet dancers and recently asked me ‘Mummy can you help me find the boat that sunk in the ocean’, which had me scratching my head for a second or two until I figured out what she was referring to and off to the Atlantic we headed.

It’s also a great way to introduce upcoming trips. We’re Sri Lanka bound in a couple of weeks and she now knows exactly where we’re going and a little bit about what we will see there.

The only downside of this app is the file size. If you have a 16GB  iPad be prepared to delete a  few other apps to make room for it – but I think it’s worth the sacrifice.

*Please note this is not a sponsored post – I just really love this app!


Hi, I'm Lisa. Welcome to Baby Loves to Travel, a resource about our adventures travelling the world. Baby Loves to Travel offers helpful travel tips and reviews, as well as advice on activities for kids in destinations around the world!


  1. Oh, this is a great app! And free this week due to the itunes anniversary 🙂
    I relaly like your blog, all the best from Poland!

  2. Thank you Eva. Also, thanks for letting us know that the app is free this week – good news for anyone uploading it for the first time!

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